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Lookout Line
Wherever one might be, imagine the places and the people precisely aligned around the globe sharing the same latitudinal path at the same elevation and travelling through the same field of space as the earth rotates - The Lookout Line follows a latitudinal line that passes directly through the top floor room at the Aldeburgh Beach Lookout. 26 points of encounter along this line were located where people around the world could be found going about their lives - from a merry go round, to a balcony hot tub, or churches in the Netherlands, from an open mine in Kazakhstan to an indigenous Siberian community along the Amur River An edition print was sent out to a recipient on each of these points., along with a description of the project and a badge identifying connection with a global community, previously unknown to itself, travelling along a direct path through the top room at the Aldeburgh Beach Lookout, - together forming a unifying sculpture of consciousness in space and time.
Research material and development explored and presented inside the Aldeburgh Beach Lookout, Aldeburgh Suffolk during a Lookout Artist Residency, - September 2021
Awarded the inaugural Francis Carnwath Prize for the Arts - 2021
26 boxes containing a rolled print of the Lookout Line, a badge and a letter describing the project, assembled inside the Aldeburgh Beach Lookout before being posted out to the 26 recipients along latitude 52° 9'2.04"N at 15m elevation. Badges were also given to everyone who visited the Lookout during the residency and exhibition.

Timothy Sawyer Shepard Aldeburgh Beach Lookout Line

Timothy Sawyer Shepard Aldeburgh Beach Lookout Line

Timothy Sawyer Shepard Aldeburgh Beach Lookout Line

Timothy Sawyer Shepard Aldeburgh Beach Lookout Line
Lookout Line video Installation - Aldeburgh Beach Lookout

Timothy Sawyer Shepard Aldeburgh Beach Lookout Line Video Installation

Timothy Sawyer Shepard Aldeburgh Beach Lookout Line Video Installation

Timothy Sawyer Shepard Aldeburgh Beach Lookout Line Video Installation

Timothy Sawyer Shepard Aldeburgh Beach Lookout Line Video Installation

Visitors to the exhibition were asked to imagine the Aldeburgh Beach Lookout becoming completely still whilst the earth continued to turn so that one after the other, those on the 26 points of encounter along the Lookout Line would arrive and pass through the exhibition space. Posted on the wall was a schedule of arrival.

The Lookout Line was a collaborative project, coming into being through the consciousness of those living along the line and those who visited the installation in the Lookout Tower exhibition space. Bringing the project together could also not have been done with the wonderful support and assistance given by the people listed above.
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